Lee Savarrio

22 September 2020
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
AN UPDATE ON COVID-19: 6 August 2020
Due to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic the programme for 2020-2021 has been postponed until 2021. The Society is keen that we continue to provide CPD for our members in this Global Pandemic and we are therefore moving to a web based platform initially for the meetings on 22 September (new date for the postponed March 2020 meeting), 21 October, November and December 2020. A programme for this will be published as soon as the dates are confirmed. We hope that all members, their friends and family continue to stay safe in the circumstances.
Chief of Dentistry for NHS GGC….moving forward together*
To provide members with an overview of the role of Chief of Dentistry (Director of Dentistry) and the upcoming changes to delivery of oral health services in Scotland
Learning Outcomes
- Recognise the scope of the role of Director of Dentistry and the key priorities of the role as well as how the role interfaces with other leadership structures
- Identify aspects of the Oral Health Improvement Plan from Scottish Government and apply them to delivery of oral health services local to them
- Evaluate the delivery of secondary care restorative dentistry services as an example of the case for change in the provision of secondary care oral health services
- Assess the need for intermediary care services and enhanced skills practitioners complementary to existing primary and secondary care service provision for a range of oral health services
*Course content to be revised to reflect developments, new working practices and guidelines at the time
This course is designed to meet the GDC’s development outcome (TBC) and will qualify for 1.5 hours of verifiable CPD.
About Lee Savarrio
Lee is a specialist in Restorative Dentistry and currently works as a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry for NHS GGC where he is currently Chief of Dentistry. He has subspecialty interests in periodontics, implant dentistry and treatment of patients with hypodontia. Lee is closely involved in the training of hospital staff and also enjoys teaching general dental practitioners and hygiene therapists. Lee has published in peer reviewed journals and presented work at a national and international level as well as contributing a chapter to the popular Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry.
Lee enjoys food (cooking it and eating it) and drink and therefore is forced to perform physical exercise to minimise the negative effects that arise from these pursuits! He also enjoys travel and spending time with family.
Booking options will appear here when booking is open.