Alan Gilmour Feedback 5 December 2023

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Please provide your feedback for the meeting on 5 December 2023 by speaker Alan Gilmour on "Navigator"
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As you wish it to be displayed on your certificate.
ONLY fill in your email if you wish to have your CPD certificate emailed directly to you.

Alan Gilmour "Navigator"

Aims and objectives:

To inform dental practitioners about the Navigator service. To impart wisdom from a lived experience of the terror people can be living with and the vulnerability they can feel in a dental chair. To make dental practitioners aware of the key role they can play in a persons’ recovery. To learn the detrimental impact a negative experience can have on a patient. To learn how manner and a gentle way can transform the experience into one with trust. The learn the value of taking time to reset between patients.

Learning outcomes:

  • To understand how dentists may be perceived by a vulnerable patient and how best to behave in order to gain trust
  • To understand the impact behaviour and manner can have on a patient and the knock-on effect that may have in their lives
  • To understand the importance of resetting between patients

Your Feedback

Please complete the survey using the gradings below to rate the course you have just attended. It will help us fulfill requirements for future courses. If the scoring buttons are not working please force refresh the page (hold shift while clicking refresh).

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Suitability of Facilities

Was this course relevant to general practice?*

Were the course aims and objectives met?*

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