Meeting report for December 2018
The third meeting of the 2018/ 2019 session was held in Lecture Theatre, Department of Anatomy, The University of Glasgow on Tuesday 4th December 2018 commencing at 7.15pm. Apologies were received from 4 members. The minutes of the previous meeting, published online were approved.
The President, Mr Roddy Black, welcomed the members and guests to the meeting.
The President started the meeting by presenting the Glasgow Odontological Society Prizes. The Vocational Trainee Prize winner was Mr Michael Brown. This prize of £200 is awarded to the VDP who presented the best case report. This was judged by the prize-winners Vocational Dental Advisors. The Undergraduate Prize winner was Ms Emily Davison. This prize was £200 and was given for the best case presentation in fourth year.
The President then introduced the speaker Mr Alastair MacDonald and asked him to give his presentation “What are you looking at?”
Mr MacDonald thanked the President for his invitation and the members for the high turnout. He started by describing how he manages a new patient. He reads the referral but comes to his own diagnosis. He looked at presenting signs and symptoms and clinical correlations. He then described how he carries out a focused clinical exam and described what the most useful findings were. He reminded the audience that the history of the presenting complaint points the way to the diagnosis. He described how he carried out sensibility testing and what information he got from the results. He then went onto discuss ‘the cracked tooth’. He described the treatment of this, which depends on how the crack affects the surrounding tissue. He then discussed ‘asymptomatic radiolucencies’, those seen on radiographs which were asymptomatic and how he manages them. He went on to describe maxillary sinusitis of dental origin.
He finished by showing a case that he had previously discussed at an Odontological Society meeting and brought the members up to date with the patient.
He thanked the audience for their attention.
The President thanked the speaker and asked Mr Robbie Thomson to propose the vote of thanks.
Mr Thomson thanked the speaker for his obvious hard work in preparing a talk that was both informative and interesting. He then asked the audience to thank the speaker in the usual manner. The President then presented the speaker with an Odontological Society paperweight.
Under AOCB the President reminded members that to get CPD for the meetings they have to sign in giving their contact email address, without this CPD certificates cannot be sent out. An email will be sent out following the meeting and members were asked to follow the instructions contained in to generate individual CPD certificates.
He asked that any member wishing to propose another member for Honorary Membership status to contact the Secretary or any of the Council members with their nominee.
He then informed the audience that the Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday 23rd February 2019 in the RCPS Glasgow. The cost will be £65. Dress code: Black Tie. There are restricted numbers. The proceedings of the raffle are going to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 15th January 2019 in Lecture Theatre 1, Glasgow Dental Hospital & School. It is entitled ‘Is it safe? – Room for improvement in Dentistry’ and will be given by Mrs Irene Black.