Meeting report: 24 October 2017
The first meeting of the 2017/ 2018 session was held in Lecture Theatre 2 of GDH on Tuesday 24 October 2017 commencing at 7pm.
There were 71 members and guests in attendance. Apologies were received from 4 members. The minutes of the previous meeting, published online were approved.
The President, Professor Jeremy Bagg, welcomed the members and guests to the meeting.
The President introduced the speaker Professor Ivor Chestnutt and invited him to give his address to the society entitled ‘Dental Public Health – lessons from a grand tour of the celtic fringe.
Professor Chestnutt started by explaining his celtic connection. He was born in Ireland; he has worked in all three Dental Hospitals in Scotland and has worked in Cardiff since 1999. He feels that Dental Public Health is the science and art of improving oral health.
He described the studies into the effect of Fluoride on dental health and his involvement in them. He described the effect that fluoride and monitored children’s tooth brushing (Childsmile in Scotland, Designed to Smile in Wales) has had on children’s dental health.
He then discussed the inequalities in the dental health of young children quoting figures of 50% of the affected teeth are in 5% of the population. He discussed methods of addressing this both through the increasing exposure to fluoride and reducing exposure to sugar.
He then discussed the effect Brexit may possibly have on healthcare and academia in the UK. He discussed the changing skill mix which may be required in the dental team in the future. He finished his lecture by saying in his opinion the greatest changes in dental health have occurred.
The President thanked the speaker for his talk and opened the floor to questions.
The formal vote of thanks was proposed by Professor Gibson who thanked the speaker for his skilful lecture. The President then presented Professor Chestnutt with an Odontological Society paperweight.
Under AOCB the President then asked that any member wishing to propose another member for Honorary Membership status contact the Secretary with their nominee.
He informed the audience that the Dinner is in the RCPS Glasgow on Saturday 24/02/18. The cost of a ticket is £65. There is a proposal for a post Dinner Reception in the Dakota Hotel and a reduced rate for overnight accommodation that evening. Details will be available on the website.
There are still a number of members paying their subscriptions by direct debit online and also by standing order. If this applies to you please cancel your standing order – the Society is unable to do this for you.
Mr Bruce Hogan then informed the audience of the FGDP study day on Friday 1/12/17 in the Glasgow Science Centre. There is a reduced rate for Odontological Society members.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 21 November 2017 in the Lecture Theatre 2, GDH. The speaker is Professor Keith Hunter and he will give his lecture entitled ‘Who wants to live forever? – investigating cellular immortalization in oral cancer’.
The meeting was closed at 8.29pm.